This program provides step-by-step guidance for change, from the perspective of people who have been where you are now.
Professional Guidance: Using her own experience as a guide, Lucinda Bassett will teach you to recognize the thoughts, behaviors and reactions driving your anxiety. Together with Dr. Fisher, Midwest Center Medical Director and expert in anxiety and depression, she provides real insights, coping skills, and behavioral techniques to dramatically improve your ability to control your symptoms.
Inspiring Stories of Recovery: The program is unique because many of the key principles are taught in a group setting with past sufferers who have used the program successfully. These newly empowered individuals help you develop the most powerful cognitive tool-faith in yourself.
Personal Support: The program offers 24-hour community support through StressCenter.com, a vibrant online community of former sufferers and program veterans.

Structured like an enlightening 15-week course, it is easy to understand, easy to implement, and designed to make the process of change both fun and empowering.
Audio Sessions: The 15 audio sessions allow you to listen and review each lesson with the corresponding workbook chapter and carry–along card. You will find that each session builds on the previous one and will help you address both the symptoms of anxiety and depression and the underlying causes.
Workbook: The workbook is an invaluable tool for your journey to recovery. It helps you personalize the program for your specialized needs through educational tools and techniques, exercises for personal introspection, valuable self–evaluations, and goal-setting exercises.
Carry-Along Cards: Each carry-along card summarizes the highlights of your corresponding audio session, so you can easily review the positive focus of your week's topic-in a "flash"!

CBT is a therapeutic approach that integrates cognitive (thought) restructuring and behavior modification techniques and is the grounding method behind the Attacking Anxiety and Depression program. Essentially, CBT is about reprogramming habits. If you can change the way you think and act, you can to create a better and more balanced life experience.
Cognitive Restructuring: You will learn to recognize negative thinking patterns that influence feelings and behavior. Typical negative thinking patterns may include:
- Distorted concept of self and ability
- Pessimistic attitude and assumptions
- Limiting beliefs
- Negative or scary thoughts
When you recognize that certain thoughts produce unpleasant emotional consequences, and you will discover a new, healthier way to think and respond within that same environment, you will be empowered to choose a new way of thinking because it will produce a more pleasant life-experience.
Behavior Modification: The program will help you focus on changing unhealthy or unwanted behaviors that reinforce our negative thinking patterns. Some issues that behavioral strategies can be used for coping with are procrastination, anger, or self-medicating with food, alcohol or other substances.
We leverage CBT-based methodology in our program because it is a tested and proven treatment for anxiety and depression:
- Treatment of choice for many therapists specializing in recovery from anxiety and depression
- Effectiveness is well documented
- There are no dangerous or unpleasant side effects
- The long-term effects of CBT treatment are lasting and fulfilling

The Midwest Center was founded in 1983 by a former anxiety and depression sufferer, Lucinda Bassett, and her doctor, Philip Fisher, MD. Located in Northwest Ohio, The Midwest Center began by providing outpatient therapy groups for teaching CBT-based skills to overcome anxiety and depression. 10-years of clinical therapy groups led Lucinda and Dr. Fisher to create the Attacking Anxiety & Depression program.
The program was originally conceptualized as a reinforcement tool to be used in conjunction with the group therapy sessions. As this home-study module evolved, it became clear that with the right structure and format virtually anyone could learn these skills on their own, in the privacy of their own home.
The program was enhanced and customized for exclusive self-help, home study use and is now used in hospitals, clinics, HMO's and by a nationwide network of psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists to help sufferers conquer their anxiety and depression.

The educational tools and techniques of the Attacking Anxiety and Depression program have been utilized by over 1-million people worldwide. From chronic stress, generalized anxiety, panic attacks, severe anxiety and agoraphobia, and even depression–Attacking Anxiety and Depression can help you take control and enjoy life again, as you never imagined possible.
The message of anxiety and depression may be that you're weak, unworthy, and incapable. The Attacking Anxiety and Depression program will open your eyes to your true potential, helping you to grow into the strong, confident, and resilient person you have the potential to become.
Join the community of past sufferers and take your life back.