A: A PHI Authorization form (PHI form is available under e-forms on the website)
A: Varies depending upon the State which you reside in. For the state of California, Nevada and Hawaii the
age is for anyone under 18.
A: There can be several reasons why the Plan payment is less than the total amount billed:
Q: What can I do if I don't agree with how my claim was paid?
A: Call the Administrative office for answers, but if you still disagree, you have the right of appeal.
See the Claims Appeal Rights section for more details.
Q: Can I fax over birth certificates, marriage license, and student status forms. etc?
A: This will only be allowed if it is an emergency. A supervisor will need to approve document to be faxed
and followed up with the hard copy in the mail. Please note that the faxed document will only be temporary
for 10 days.